MeliaCRED is based on my (Elvis’s) consultancy and research work. Since 2012, I have advised African governments and international development partners. My focus has been on digital transformation, economic growth and governance. In this capacity, I have worked with the Government of Kenya (Ministry of ICT, Innovation and Youth Affairs), the Government of Ethiopia (Ministry of Innovation and Technology), and the Government of Rwanda (Ministry of ICT and Innovation, Rwanda Development Board), as well as African private sector associations such as the Kenya Private Sector Alliance and the Confederation of Zimbabwe Industries. I frequently work for international development partners such as GIZ and USAID and I have advised the Digital Skills Accelerator Africa, the Tony Blair Institute for Global Change, the Rockefeller Foundation, and Friedrich Ebert Foundation. At the University of Oxford, I have worked with the Blavatnik School’s Digital Pathways at Oxford (on African digital transformation). I mostly work in Kenya, Rwanda, and Ethiopia, but I have also written case studies on Angola, Chad, Equatorial Guinea, Morocco, Mozambique, Nigeria, Senegal, Somalia, South Sudan, and Zimbabwe. I am currently a research associate at the University of Duisburg-Essen (at the Chair of International Relations and African Politics), an associate researcher at German Institute of Development and Sustainability (Research programme: Transformation and Economic and Social Systems), and a member of the Institute for Development and Peace (INEF).